Rely on Your Users as well as Your Analytics
30 Apr 2018So you have a product.
Product A
And your product has features.
Product A - Features
And you have analytics on your product, to see who is using your features.
Product A - Analytics
Your analytics show you that, out of the 50 people who use your product 30 use feature A and only 1 uses feature B
Product A - Analytics Detail
Great you think, let’s focus on Feature A, Feature B is a distraction (our analytics show us). Remove that, and we can be a Feature A focused team.
So you remove Feature B.
Product A - Feature
But what you missed, what your analytics didn’t show you, is the 1 person who used Feature B was the person who chose the product. And, while using Feature A benefited each individual who interacted with it, this 1 key person using Feature B benefitted the whole team.
And you removed Feature B - because your analytics told you to - and you didn’t actually speak to your users to find out what the key people, the influencers actually used.
So this 1 person, who used feature B and has now lost it, finds another product, one that still includes an equivalent Feature B. And the whole team move over to that.
Product B
What do your analytics show now.
Lost Users, Lost Revenue